قالب:ISO 15924/overview-Latn in Unicode

The Latin (Latn) script in Unicode [+chapter]
sort row-id source title r-start r-end block-name is-fullblock block-start chart-id note
1 7-A (7.1, subheader) Letters of Basic Latin 0041 007A Basic Latin no ? U0000.pdf
2 7-B (7.1, subheader) Letters of the Latin-1 Supplement 00AA 00FF Latin-1 Supplement no ? U0080.pdf
3 7-C (7.1, subheader) Latin Extended-A 0100 017F Latin Extended-A ? ? U0100.pdf
4 7-D (7.1, subheader) Latin Extended-B 0180 024F Latin Extended-B ? ? U0180.pdf
5 7-E (7.1, subheader) IPA Extensions 0250 02AF IPA Extensions ? ? U0250.pdf
6 7-F (7.1, subheader) Phonetic Extensions 1D00 1D7F Phonetic Extensions ? ? U1D00.pdf
7 7-G (7.1, subheader) Latin Extended Additional 1E00 1EFF Latin Extended Additional ? ? U1E00.pdf
8 7-H (7.1, subheader) Latin Extended-C 2C60 2C7F Latin Extended-C ? ? U2C60.pdf
9 7-J (7.1, subheader) Latin Extended-D A722 A7FF Latin Extended-D ? ? UA720.pdf
10 7-K (7.1, subheader) Latin Extended-E AB30 AB69 Latin Extended-E ? ? UAB30.pdf
11 7-L (7.1, subheader) Latin Ligatures FB00 FB06 Alphabetic Presentation Forms ? ? UFB00.pdf


Latn = 1475 chars

Block	Characters	Range(s)
Basic Latin	52	0041..005A, 0061..007A
Latin-1 Supplement	64	00AA, 00BA, 00C0..00D6, 00D8..00F6, 00F8..00FF
Latin Extended-A	128	0100..017F
Latin Extended-B	208	0180..024F
IPA Extensions	96	0250..02AF
Spacing Modifier Letters	14	02B0..02B8, 02E0..02E4
Phonetic Extensions	111	1D00..1D25, 1D2C..1D5C, 1D62..1D65, 1D6B..1D77, 1D79..1D7F
Phonetic Extensions Supplement	63	1D80..1DBE
Latin Extended Additional	256	1E00..1EFF
Superscripts and Subscripts	15	2071, 207F, 2090..209C
Letterlike Symbols	4	212A..212B, 2132, 214E
Number Forms	41	2160..2188
Latin Extended-C	32	2C60..2C7F
Latin Extended-D	188	A722..A787, A78B..A7CA, A7D0..A7D1, A7D3, A7D5..A7D9, A7F2..A7FF
Latin Extended-E	56	AB30..AB5A, AB5C..AB64, AB66..AB69
Alphabetic Presentation Forms	7	FB00..FB06
Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms	52	FF21..FF3A, FF41..FF5A
Latin Extended-F	57	10780..10785, 10787..107B0, 107B2..107BA
Latin Extended-G	31	1DF00..1DF1E

from the article 04:30, 22 December 2021 (UTC)

Latin script in Unicode


As of version 14.0 of the Unicode Standard, 1,475 characters in the following blocks are classified as belonging to the Latin script:[١][٢]

In addition, a number of Latin-like characters are encoded in the Currency Symbols, Control Pictures, CJK Compatibility, Enclosed Alphanumerics, Enclosed CJK Letters and Months, Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols, and Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement blocks, but although they are Latin letters graphically they have the script property common, and so do not belong to the Latin script in Unicode terms. Lisu also consists almost entirely of Latin forms but uses its own script property.

[create] Template-info.svg Template documentation
  1. Unicode characters having property script set as script=Latn. Version 14.0, using BabelMap (2021-12-24).
  2. خطأ: لا توجد وحدة بهذا الاسم "citation/CS1".